Home Facts About 10 Interesting facts about the Terminator films

10 Interesting facts about the Terminator films


Terminator is one of the most well-known Science Fiction Action film franchises, notable for its iconic and terrifying killer machines, intricate time loop narratives and jaw dropping action sequences.

Photo: Terminator 2 Judgment Day (1991)/Carolco Pictures

Here are a selection of fascinating facts hiding underneath a layer of cybernetic tissue.

10I’ll be back

Arguably Arnie’s most famous movie line ‘I’ll be back’ was originally supposed to be ‘I’ll come back’. At one stage it also almost became ‘I will be back’ because Schwarzenegger felt it was more machine like. It was a point of contention between him and James Cameron, with the director getting the final say.

9Seeing Double

Terminator 2: Judgement Day features two set of identical twins. The hospital security guard was played by identical twins Don and Dan Stanton and Linda Hamilton’s twin sister served as a double during the scenes involving two Sarah Connors.

8Ghost in the Machine

For Terminator 2 Robert Patrick undertook a rigorous running regime and learnt to breathe only through his nose. By the time it came round to the chase scene with Edward Furlong he was able to easily catch up to the dirt bike.

7Ghost in the Machine II

In Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Kristanna Loken learnt how to run in two-inch heels, as well as being trained in the art of mime to prepare for her role as the T-X.

6A trio of Terminators

It was originally planned for Terminator Salvation to have two follow up sequels, which would be part of a second trilogy of Terminator films. However, financial difficulties and Christian Bale’s refusal to return as Connor scrapped these plans.

5Give me some Space

The NASA stage was used to film the Cyberdyne Systems scenes in Terminator Genysis, as the set was so tall, no other Louisiana location could hold it.

4Guerrillas in the mist

For the first Terminator film Cameron opted on a number of occasions to bypass the permit process, by getting everyone to arrive at a pre agreed location quickly and shoot the scene before the police arrived. Some of the people in these scenes are everyday folk, oblivious that they are in a film.


An initial draft of Terminator 3 had an entirely different plot for the film. In it John Connor is a gifted computer programmer, who is an integral part of Skynet coming online. Furthermore, the evil Terminator is a shapeshifter who can become a gas-based form.

2Lighten up

Christian Bale infamously lost his temper at cinematographer Shane Hurlbut, who kept distracting the actor during an intense scene. The encounter was leaked online shortly afterwards. Bale has since apologised.

1Freeze well

Terminator Dark Fate is unique in the fact that the energy sphere generated when a time traveller appears has a freezing effect on the environment around it. Whereas the other Terminator films feature energy spheres that give off heat, indicating its different future technology.


Terminator is a film series that has undergone many changes, both on screen and behind the camera. While some of the later entries lack the same magic as the first two films, it’s still impressive how the production team and cast devised clever ideas to achieve their goals.

Furthermore, it’s intriguing to wonder where some of these films could have gone instead, if certain other creative and financial choices had been made.

Written by Dan Ashby

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