Drifting, a short film by Robert Higgins and Patrick McGivney, featuring Paul Mescal in his first film role, is now available online. The film, which premiered at the Galway Film Fleadh in 2020, also stars Dafhyd Flynn, Lorcan Cranitch, and Simone Collins, with an original score by electronic producer Daithí.
Drifting explores the bond between two best friends, Cian and Pat, over 24 hours as their lives diverge. The film delves into the effects of emigration and male friendship in a small Irish town.
Watch Now: Paul Mescal’s Short Film Drifting Online
Writer/director Robert Higgins said: “We’re delighted that ‘Drifting’ is now available online. This film was a real passion project for us from the beginning and a formative project for us when it came to our filmmaking. It was a pleasure to work with such an amazing array of talent and has been wonderful to watch them go onto great things in the past couple of years.’
Writer/director Patrick McGivney said: “‘Drifting’ is a very personal film for both of us and bringing it to life with such a talented cast and crew was an incredible experience. It wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible support of the people of Granard, Longford. We’re delighted it’s now finally available online on Network Ireland Television’s YouTube channel.”