The New York-based composer, renowned for scoring the early 2000s Jack Black comedy film “Shallow Hal,” has refocused on European dramas and will compose the original score for the upcoming independent film “Whispers of Freedom.” This biopic, a British-German co-production set in late-1980s East Berlin during the Cold War, centers on the true story of Chris Gueffroy, the last person to attempt an escape across the Berlin Wall’s infamous death strip.
Goodrum transitions from American comedies to scoring European drama films, with a recent partnership with Italian director Edoardo Ponti, notably for “Human Voice” (2014) and “The Life Ahead” (2020), recipient of two Golden Globes.
The principal cast of Whispers of Freedom – which includes Cameron Ashplant (The Last Bus) as Chris Gueffroy, Wendy Makkena (Sister Act) as Karin Gueffroy, Darragh Cowley (Masters of the Air) as Christian Gaudian, and Paul Freeman (Raiders of the Lost Ark) as Erich Honecker – are set to wrap principal photography in Berlin in July, with production having taken place largely in the UK, starting in London in February.