Home Movie Reviews Movie Review: Jack and Jill (2011)

Movie Review: Jack and Jill (2011)

Photo: Jack and Jill (2011)

The comment or movie review in this article comes about after I had the recent exhilarating pleasure of watching Jack and Jill, the new Adam Sandler work of art; it is being described as such in view of the fact that movie or film is way too narrow a word to describe this latest piece of work. Jack and Jill was Amazing!

Adam Sandler is absolutely one of my favorites; however, from time to time he does not pick the best roles. For example, I found Punch-Drunk Love to be extremely weird and Funny People was way more boring than it was funny.

Photo: Jack and Jill (2011)

For me, Adam Sandler is at his best when he is yelling or performing an advanced technique in acting, which is a Screen Actors Guild secret, known as method acting. For instance: for his role in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, Adam portrays a heterosexual who is pretending to be a homosexual. The role in this film alone landed Sandler with four nominations for awards for his effort. If you check out a number of his previous movies, you might be able to identify the variety of ways in which Sandler utilizes method acting.

Watch Jack and Jill (2011) Trailer:

I was initially very disappointed or you could even say I was dismayed when I realized that the character Sandler portrays in Jack & Jill is a regular married guy with kids, identical to Adam Sandler in real life. In addition, I almost started to hyperventilate when I found out the he was NOT YELLING HIS LINES EITHER!!

I calmed down a little, withheld my judgment and continued to watch until the movie was over. My disappointment slowly began to dissipate when I realized that Jack & Jill was a holiday movie; this is one of my favorite genres of movies. My disappointment completed vanished when I realized that Jack, Sandler’s character, has a sister. Really? Sandler does not have a sister in real life, so this is definitely not identical to his life at all. But best of all, Jill is not merely just another sibling; she is his twin sister, who is also portrayed by Adam Sandler! I was now all in, not a trace of disappointment could be found anywhere! What took them so long to make this film?

Watch Jack and Jill (2011) Movie Clip:

A number of crazy humour and shenanigans takes place that I will not ruin for you; however, I can assure you that they are tremendously hilarious. Oh and might I just add that the humour of seeing all the legs of a miniature horse broken pales in comparison to the tom foolery that happens in Jack & Jill? Adam Sandler is both hilarious and believable in his role a woman. Check it out for yourself, you will not be disappointed.

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